Opencall until 16th september

Our designed bodies

Opencall until 21th october

Art in collector's card format

short term: 1 to 13 weeks + group exhibition

Summer Residency
OpenBach is a hybrid creative space, grouping together artist studios and an art gallery in an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach. The 500m2 studio space welcomes artists from all disciplines, selected for the quality of their production and the novelty of their vision, in both short and long term residencies.
The gallery presents varied artistic projects in a different exhibition each month. Due to our rigorous selection process, the program is rich in experimentation. OpenBach is also a stunning and unique location, covered in murals which can be viewed during visits.
The Gallery

The first layer of OpenBach is its gallery: an ever-shifting collection of contemporary art projects, carefully selected by our team for their singularity.

As a terrain of experimentation, OpenBach strives to display a range of themes and techniques; the exhibition highlights local and international artists, as well as our in-house residents. Each exposition, lasting one month, shines a light on a particular practice. These works are available for viewing weekly, only during our lively events in which not only does the gallery open its doors to the hundreds of visitors, but artists can speak to the public, encounter each other, and discover new opportunities. 

One event per week, over six months: that’s more than 600 exhibitions which have taken place in our gallery and which you can now find archived below.

Our exhibitions
The Residency

Since March 2016, our residency has provided original artists and creators a place to work.

Situated in the heart of Vincennes, the residence is made up of 15 permanent studios over 500 m2, both shared and individual. It’s a site of production which welcomes artists and creators of multiple blended disciplines, selected for the quality and coherence of their production. 

Over the summer, our gallery space is converted into a collaborative studio for our shorter term summer residencies. 

Discover our residents!
Discover also the universe of our association Les Interactions
Créatives, creator of our residency site Openbach !


Our association, Les Interactions Créatives

Les Interaction Créatives, an association created under French nonprofit law (loi 1901) experiments across different domains new ways to encourage contemporary creation.

Urban art

Discover the 25+ murals dispersed in our hallways, which transform Openbach into a garden of urban art.

Our Events

Les Interactions Créatives hosts multiple events in the heart of Openbach, facilitating encounters between creators and raising visibility for their artwork.